Which contraception method is right for you?
Explore the contraception types using the websites below;
Please book a woman’s health call to discuss your options with us, or make an appointment with a pharmacy offering this service. If you need emergency contraception that appointment needs to be today.
Sexual Health
If you have concerns about Sexually Transmitted Diseases more information can be found at Worcestershire Integrated Sexual Health Service (WISH) | Herefordshire and Worcestershire
There is information about the clinics and STDs on the website link above, but we are happy to help at the surgery too – don’t be afraid to call! This site also has information about contraception and how you can access FREE CONDOMS
You can access free home testing for a number of STDs at Sexual health 24 hours per day
Please call us and get help if you have been a victim of rape or visit Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence | Worcestershire County Council
IUD/IUS/Implant Advice
All our surgeries in WFHP provide LARC services.
If you are considering an intrauterine device, please watch this IUD/IUS (Coil) – YouTube – and read further information about intrauterine contraception on Copper Coil / IUD | Contraception Choices and Hormonal Coil / IUS | Contraception Choices
If you are considering an Implant, please watch this Having a contraceptive implant fitted – YouTube and read through further information on Implant | Contraception Choices
Pre fit Information
Pre fit we would ask you to read the following pre fit advice and self consent check lists below
Self assessment consent for coil checklist
Prepregnancy Planning
If you are planning a pregnancy, please visit Planning your pregnancy – NHS (
– Check that you are immune to rubella (German measles) – this would have been part of the MMR vaccine you should have had as a child
– Make sure that your cervical smear is up to date (these should happen three yearly after the age of 25)
– Start a folic acid supplement (400 micrograms a day) to help to prevent neural tube defects (eg spina bifida). Ask your chemist for details
– Stop smoking and avoid alcohol or other drugs unless you have checked with your pharmacist that they are safe in pregnancy.
For further advice speak to your midwife, health visitor or doctor
When you discover you are pregnant please contact the midwives. People in Worcestershire can now refer themselves directly to a midwife to start their antenatal care as soon as they find out they are pregnant.
A new online self-referral form puts those who are pregnant in direct contact with midwives at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, so their care planning can start as soon as possible. Please complete the form as soon as you find out via
Please start a folic acid and vitamin D supplement or specialist pregnancy care multivitamin
Folic acid is very important for the development of a healthy foetus. It can significantly reduce the chance of neural tube defects (NTDs), such as spinabifida. It’s recommended that all women who could get pregnant should take a daily supplement of 400 micrograms of folic acid before they’re pregnant and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby’s spine is developing.
Some women need to take a higher dose of 5 milligrams (5mg) of folic acid each day until they’re 12 weeks pregnant if they have a higher chance of having a pregnancy affected by neural tube defects. These include if:
· The patients BMI is >30
· They have diabetes or coeliac disease
· They have sickle cell anaemia or thalassaemia
· They are taking anti-epilepsy medicine
· They or the baby’s biological father have a neural tube defect
· They previously had a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect
· They or the baby’s biological father have a family history of neural tube defects
Please book a telephone consultation to get this prescribed if you fall into the above groups
Please access all the fantastic information on the NHS website…Pregnancy – NHS (
And to find out more about our local services.. During your pregnancy – antenatal care – Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (
The menopause is when you stop having periods however woman can be perimenopausal for years before. There are good treatment options and practical changes to lifestyle that can help these symptoms.
Please read more about them Menopause Matters, Menopausal Symptoms, Remedies, Advice
Rock My Menopause – Menopause Information
If you feel you may be going through the perimenopause we would suggest you complete the questionnaire in the link below and send it into the surgery and book a telephone consultation with one of our medical practitioners.
WFHP Menopause Assessment Questionnaire
Menopause Empowerment Network Support Group Worcestershire