Health & Lifestyle



The Reach4Wellbeing Team is part of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), they promote and support emotional wellbeing for children and young people aged 5-18 years old. They are a team of 7 staff, with one case worker for each of the following areas: Wyre Forest, Redditch, Bromsgrove, Worcester, Malvern and Wychavon. They offer short-term group support programmes for those experiencing mild to moderate emotional difficulties, specifically anxiety and low mood. These programmes are based on skills which research has discovered helps children and young people with these difficulties. Government recommendations promote group work as the first way to help children and young people with these issues as early as possible. Reach4Wellbeing Poster | Reach for Wellbeing Leaflet

Their Aims 

  • Promote Positive Wellbeing
  • Reach Children and Young People in their Communities
  • Reduce the Stigma of Mental Health

What They Do

To maximise their effectiveness the Reach4Wellbeing Team focus on delivering group programmes for children and young people. The groups are held during term time and are run in schools or other local community settings. Thye are not always able to offer a group in the child or young person’s own school, but they will aim to offer a place in an alternative school or community setting, please note that in order for your child to receive this intervention transportation to and from the venue will be your responsibility. 

Each of the sessions is evidence based and they are able to offer the following:

• A seven week anxiety and low mood programme for young people age 13 and over

• A six week anxiety programme for older children age 9 -12 years

• A six week anxiety programme (Little Explorers) for younger children age 5 – 8 years, for this age group please note that a parent or their representative is required to attend the sessions.

Their continued future plan is to offer short-term group programmes for young people to improve their emotional regulation and resilience.

NHS Choices Conditions and Treatments

See the NHS Choices Conditions and Treatments browser for an in-depth description of many common health issues.

Childrens Health

There is a good guide on the NHS website which describes various conditions affecting children. There is advice on how to diagnose them, how to treat them and if further advice should be consulted.

NHS childhood illness slideshow

When Should I Worry?

Having an ill child can be a very scary experience for parents. If you understand more about the illness it can help you to feel more in control. This booklet is for parents (and older children) and deals with common infections in children who are normally healthy.

Download the booklet


Most symptoms of a fever in young children can be managed at home with infant paracetamol. If the fever is very high, they may have an infection that needs treating with antibiotics.

Bupa – more about childhood fevers

NHS Choices – what temperature is a fever?

Head Lice

Head lice are insects that live on the scalp and neck. They may make your head feel itchy. Although head lice may be embarrassing and sometimes uncomfortable, they don’t usually cause illness. However, they won’t clear up on their own and you need to treat them promptly.

Head Lice Factsheet

NHS Choices


Nosebleeds (also known as epistaxis) are fairly common, especially in children, and can generally be easily treated.

St Johns Ambulance

NHS Choices


NHS Choices Conditions and Treatments

See the NHS Choices Conditions and Treatments browser for an in-depth description of many common health issues.

Cervical Screening (Smear Tests)

Cervical screening is a method of preventing cervical cancer by detecting abnormal cells in the cervix (lower part of the womb). Cervical screening is not a test for cancer, but it is a test to check the health of the cervix.

Most women’s test results show that everything is normal. But for one in 20 women, the test will show some changes in the cells of the cervix. Most of these changes will not lead to cervical cancer and the cells will go back to normal on their own. In some cases, the abnormal cells need to be treated to prevent them becoming a problem later.

NHS Choices – Cervical Screening

The why, when & how guide to cervical screening

Cervical Screening

This factsheet is for women who would like information about having a cervical smear test for screening. This means having the test when you don’t have any symptoms.

HPV Vaccination

Since September 2008 there has been a national programme to vaccinate girls aged 12-13 against human papilloma virus (HPV). There is also a three-year catch up campaign that will offer the HPV vaccine (also known as the cervical cancer jab) to 13-18 year old girls.

The programme is delivered largely through secondary schools, and consists of three injections that are given over a six-month period. In the UK, more than 1.4 million doses have been given since the vaccination programme started.

What is Human papilloma virus (HPV)?

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the name of a family of viruses that affect the skin and the moist membranes that line your body, such as those in your cervix, anus, mouth and throat. These membranes are called the mucosa.

There are more than 100 different types of HPV viruses, with about 40 types affecting the genital area. These are classed as high risk and low risk.

How you get HPV?

Types of HPV that affect the skin can be passed on by skin contact with an affected person. The types of HPV that affect the mouth and throat can be passed on through kissing. Genital HPV is usually spread through intimate, skin to skin, contact during sex. You can have the genital HPV virus for years and not have any sign of it.

How HPV can cause cervical cancer?

Most HPV infections are harmless or cause genital warts, however some types can cause cervical cancer. Most HPV infections clear up by themselves, but in some people the infection can last a long time. HPV infects the cells of the surface of the cervix where it can stay for many years without you knowing.

The HPV virus can damage these cells leading to changes in their appearance. Over time, these changes can develop into cervical cancer. The purpose of cervical screening (testing) is to detect these changes, which, if picked up early enough, can be treated to prevent cancer happening. If they are left untreated, cancer can develop and may lead to serious illness and death.


Cancer Research UK

HPV Facts and information

NHS Choices – HPV Vaccination

Why, how and when is the vaccination given and what are the side effects

HPV Vaccine

This factsheet is for people who would like information about the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine.


NHS Choices Conditions and Treatments

See the NHS Choices Conditions and Treatments browser for an in-depth description of many common health issues.

Mens’ Health

Five health symptoms men should not ignore

According to NHS Choices:

“British men are paying the price for neglecting their health: more than 100,000 men a year die prematurely.

On average, men go to their GP half as often as women. It’s important to be aware of changes to your health, and to see your GP immediately if you notice something that’s not right.” Find out more

Sexual Problems

 It’s estimated that one man in 10 has a problem related to having sex, such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. Dr John Tomlinson of The Sexual Advice Association explains some of the causes, and where to seek help.

Find our more on NHS Choices

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer, though the most common cancer in young men, it is still quite rare. With 2000 new cases being diagnosed each year, this makes it the biggest cause of cancer related death in 15 – 35-year-old males. It accounts for around 70 deaths a year within the UK alone.

What to Look Out For

The most common symptom of testicular cancer is swelling or a pea- sized lump in one of the testes (balls). There is no current screening test therefore it is important that you look out for the following signs and symptoms.

  • A dull ache, or sharp pain, in your testicles, or scrotum, which may come and go
  • A feeling of heaviness in your scrotum
  • A dull ache in your lower abdomen
  • A sudden collection of fluid in your scrotum
  • Fatigue, and generally feeling unwell.


NHS – Information on Testicular Cancer

BUPA – Testicular Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Each year about 36,000 men in the UK are diagnosed with prostate cancer, making it the most common cancer in men. It mainly affects men aged over 50.


  • difficulty in starting to pass urine
  • a weak, sometimes intermittent flow of urine
  • dribbling of urine before and after urinating
  • a frequent or urgent need to pass urine
  • rarely, blood in your urine or semen and pain when passing urine

These symptoms aren’t always caused by prostate cancer but if you have them, see your GP.

Find out more about the symptoms, causes and diagnosis of prostate cancer by using the resources below.


BUPA – Prostate Cancer

NHS Choices – Prostate Cancer

Sexual Health

Both men and women need to look after their sexual health and take time to understand the issues that surround contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

For instance there are some STIs, like chlamydia, that you could be carrying without having any symptoms. This infection can affect fertility, so it’s important to make use of the sexual health services available for free on the NHS.

Useful Resources:

Sex & Young People
A comprehensive guide to the questions you may have about sex from the NHS

Sexually Transmitted Infections
Issues, symptoms and treatments

Sexual Health FAQs
Expert answers from a qualified Doctor

Here you’ll find tips for a fulfilling sex life plus advice on STDs, contraception and common sex problems.

FPA – The Sexual Health Charity
Sexual health advice and information on contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy choices, abortion and planning a pregnancy.

Playin’ It Safe
Free and confidential advice on sex and relationships, facts about contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy and information on local services.

Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection among under-25s. Often there are no symptoms, but testing and treatment are simple. Causes and risk factors Chlamydia is usually passed from one person to another during vaginal, oral or anal sex, or by sharing sex toys. It can live inside cells of the cervix, urethra, rectum and sometimes in the throat and eyes.

Chlamydia testing is available in ALL sexual health venues as well as:

Telephone – ‘request a kit’ service can be accessed by those aged 16-24 – RING 01905 363909

Internet – ‘request a kit’ service can be accessed by those aged 16-24 –

Useful Links

NHS Choices – focus on Chlamydia
Information, videos and advice from the NHS website

This factsheet is for people who have chlamydia, or who would like information about it.

Chlamydia Screening Website

Healthy Living

Age Well in the Wyre Forest

Attached is a document outline idea on how to age well in the Wyre Forest and how to retire successfully. 

How to Age Well 

Ready Steady GO!

These are local excercise classes to improve your strenght and balance reducing your risk of falling. Its an exercise course for older people who have had a fall or who feel unsteady on their feet. To be referred onto the Ready Steady GO courses, please contact your GP for referral. For more information please call 01386 565 182.

Eating Well & Exercise – helping you maintain a healthy body

We’re bombarded with scare stories about weight, from size zero to the obesity ‘epidemic’. But a healthy body is determined by different factors for each of us.

Eating well on a budget

NHS – Good Food Guide

Information on a healthy diet and ways to make it work for you

A good diet is central to overall good health, but which are the best foods to include in your meals, and which ones are best avoided? This section looks at the facts, to help you make realistic, informed choices

Sebastian Coe: Get active

Maintaining a ‘keep fit’ lifestyle doesn’t have to mean slogging it out in a sweaty gym. Just boosting your levels of general daily activity will reap big rewards in improved health and energy.

NHS – Why be active?

Even a little bit of exercise will make you feel better about yourself, boost your confidence and cut your risk of developing a serious illness.

Lifestyle treatments to lower high blood pressure

Lose weight if you are overweight

Losing some excess weight can make a big difference. Blood pressure can fall by up to 2.5/1.5 mmHg for each excess kilogram which is lost. Losing excess weight has other health benefits too.

Regular physical activity

If possible, aim to do some physical activity on five or more days of the week, for at least 30 minutes. For example, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, dancing, etc. Regular physical activity can lower blood pressure in addition to giving other health benefits. If you previously did little physical activity, and change to doing regular physical activity five times a week, it can reduce systolic blood pressure by 2-10 mmHg.

For further information, please click here.


Children’s Immunisation Schedule

Here’s a checklist of the vaccines that are routinely offered to everyone in the UK for free on the NHS, and the age at which you should ideally have them.

HPA Childrens Vaccination Schedule

Click here for the recommended HPA vaccination schedule

Seasonal Flu Vaccination

Influenza – flu – is a highly infectious and potentially serious illness caused by influenza viruses. Each year the make-up of the seasonal flu vaccine is designed to protect against the influenza viruses that the World Health Organization decide are most likely to be circulating in the coming winter.

Regular immunisation (vaccination) is given free of charge to the following at-risk people, to protect them from seasonal flu:

  • people aged 65 or over,
  • people with a serious medical condition
  • people living in a residential or nursing home
  • the main carers for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer becomes ill
  • healthcare or social care professionals directly involved in patient care, and
  • those who work in close contact with poultry, such as chickens.

Minor Illness Advice


Hay fever is an allergy to pollen, the most common kind of pollen to cause an allergy is that released by long grass, but any pollen could be causing your hay fever.  Everyone who has hay fever gets slightly different symptoms and at slightly different times in the summer.  The symptoms are usually a combination of itchy eyes, itchy or runny noses, and tickly throats.

The main treatments for hay fever are

1. Nose sprays containing steroids: these are best used every day and take several weeks for their maximum effect kick in. they are very good for runny noses but also have a slight effect on itchy eyes.

2. Anti allergy eye drops: these only work on itchy eyes and have no effect on your nose.

3. Antihistamine tablets: these can help all the symptoms of hay fever.

If your hay fever is particularly bad you may well need all three of these treatments.

None of the treatments are perfect and it is unlikely that any of them will provide you with a completely relief from your symptoms.  There are a few key tips to making sure you have a good summer and they are as follows.

  • try to avoid pollen where at all possible (on days with high pollen counts if you sit in a grassy field you will get hay fever even if you’re on all the medication)
  • Antihistamine tablets and nose sprays work best if you start them one week before your symptoms normally occur. So remember when you normally start with symptoms and make a note on your diary for next year.  If you are already dreadful this year then all the medication will have a limited effect.
  • Continue taking your medication through the time of the year when you’re normally bad even if you’re symptoms are well controlled.

If you have had hay fever treatments from your doctor before, we can provide them on repeat prescription for you.  So please see / phone the repeat prescriptions clerks.

Warts & Verrucas

Warts are usually harmless, but may be unsightly. Warts on the feet are called verruca’s and are sometimes painful. Warts and verruca’s usually clear in time without treatment. If required, they can often be cleared more quickly with treatment. For example, by applying salicylic acid, or by freezing with liquid nitrogen or a cold spray, or by covering with tape.

For further informaion about Warts & Verrucas, please click here.

Ear Syringing

The ear produces wax to catch dust and act as a natural antiseptic. Wax therefore should only need removing if it becomes impacted and reduces hearing. As syringing ears very occasionally causes significant problems, we want to reduce the amount of syringing that we are doing. You will find that using olive oil ears 4 times/day for 3 weeks will often resolve the problem. You put 2 or 3 drops of ordinary olive oil down the ear 4 times a day for 3 weeks.  This softens the wax so that it then runs out of its own accord.

Lie on your side with problem ear upper-most.  Try and pull the outer part back and up, if you can (this straightens the canal inside). If able, stay in this position for few minutes after. It can be easier to get some one else to do this for you.  If you wish to warm the drops, place the bottle in a cup of hot water (do not heat directly). Occasionally your hearing worsens after the drops go in, as the oil gets behind the wax. This will settle, so continue the treatment as planned.

Oil does not harm the ear.  You can continue for any length of time, but 3 weeks is usually enough. Surprisingly, you will not necessarily see wax come out. It often seems to come out unnoticed. If, after 3 weeks or more, you are still deaf from wax, you will need to make an appointment with the nurse to decide what should be done.

If you know you have a wax problem causing deafness and that your ear is healthy you can start the treatment for yourself. We recommend olive oil only.

If you are deaf and you don’t know why, you should see a doctor or a nurse. If we find it is wax causing it, we will advise the olive oil treatment for a minimum of three weeks. 

We know that you may be disappointed in this treatment if you have been used to syringing.  But ear syringing can lead to ear infections, perforated ear drum and tinitus (persistent noise).  We must provide effective and safe treatment, and we feel sure that you will agree. 

If you have a build up of wax repeatedly, you can keep it free by putting olive oil down twice a week. An alternative softener for treatment or prevention is sodium bicarbonate 5% ear drops. These can be obtained from a chemist.


Sore throat (pharyngitis) is very common. Soreness in the throat may be the only symptom. You may also have a hoarse voice, mild cough, fever, headache, feel sick, feel tired, and the glands in your neck may swell. It may be painful to swallow. Symptoms typically get worse over 2-3 days and then gradually go, usually within a week. You may also develop a sore throat if you have a cold or flu-like illness.

For futher information about Pharyngitis, please click here.


Traditionally treatment for conjunctivitis has relied on anti-biotic drops or ointment. Scientific studies have been done which show that the apparent effectiveness of antibiotic treatment is due to the condition spontaneously subsiding either because it is due a virus or when the body itself overcomes the infection.

We therefore now suggest that you should wait before starting treatment – you may find that the problem resolves without active treatment.

  1. Bathe the affected eye(s) if sore or discharging with plenty of fresh cool water applied with cotton wool – use separate cotton wool and water for each eye to prevent spreading the infection from one eye to the other
  2. Discard the used water and cotton wool to prevent further infection
  3. Wash your hands frequently to stop spreading the infection, use own towels
  4. If after 2-3 days, the infection has not resolved or is getting worse, then take the prescription we have given you to the chemist and use it as prescribed.

For further information about Conjunctivitis, please click here.

EPP Self Management Program

Domestic Abuse Advice

Don’t Suffer in Silence…

Worcestershire Forum Against Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

 Worcestershire Domestic and Sexual Abuse website offers help and guidance for Women, Children and Men who are or have experienced domestic or sexual abuse. It also provides information for people who know someone who may be being abused. You don’t have to suffer in silence!

Find out more @:

For additional information and support, please visit the below websites.

How to use your inhaler

How to use an Accuhaler Inhaler
How to use a Metered Dose Inhaler with small volume spacer device
How to use a Metered Dose Inhaler


Use this link to the Family Planning website to download information leaflets about all types of contraception

Information about Coils

If you are interested in the option of having a coil fitted please read the following information:

Coil Information

Please watch this video

Coil Fit Information

 Coil fit information

 Self-Assessment consent for coil checklist

 self assessment consent for coil checklist

Information about Implants

If you are interested in the option of having an implant fitted please read the following information:

implant Information

Please watch this video

Implant Fit Information

 Implant fit information

Self-Assessment consent for Implant Checklist

 self assessment consent for Implant checklist

Self assessment consent for Implant Removal Checklist

Information about Sayana Press

If you are interested in the option of having Sayana Press Injections please read the following information:

Breast Screening

Please find below a really great video about going for Breast Screening and what to expect.

It’s really informative and a great resource for those who have anxieties or concerns around the subject of breast screening and breast cancer.